$189.00 USD

Lotus Course


  • All sessions and supporting materials.
  • There are four 90-minute live calls with Elisabeth

This is a rebirth, a self-discovery journey and an exploration of the gap between who you are now (fearful, insecure, heartbroken, lost) and who you want to be (confident, in control, not so fearful, brave etc)

There are four stages to Lotus:

  1. Understanding - who we are, where we are at and what we want;
  2. Undoing - letting go of fear, resentment, anger, limiting beliefs and the past;
  3. Awakening - to who you truly are,  your inner voice, the feminine energy within you;
  4. Activating - this is the doing, the plan, the actions that bring it all together and move you forward.

 Lotus will be run over 4 sessions of 90 minutes each. 60 minutes of instruction/teaching followed by 30 minutes of Q&A and practicum where we put the lesson to work. Max 30 participants.

Lotus will also be run in a more condensed way with two classes per week for two weeks. Quick and effective with each class building on the next.

First one runs:

Jan. 16, 18, 22 & 24th @ 7:30pm EST