24: Relationship expectations and how spreading the love heals us

It's the day after Valentine's Day and the collective sigh of relief can be clearly felt, at least in my circles. So many posts about dreading the day and feeling sad for not having "their person".

In this episode I talk about how there is so much love available for us from so many different places; friends, family, co-workers, new friends through groups like The Separation Club and more. 

It's truly limiting to go through life thinking that the only way we can really feel loved is with a romantic/love partner. Feeling loved is possible in so many ways and with so many different relationships.

Next week I head down to Costa rica with over a dozen women most of whom I have never met in person before. We have chatted online, I have supported them through a really difficult time and they have become friends with each other and now they have decided to take this physical journey together. I can't wait to hug them all!

But the biggest thing they are learning is that love, friendship and companionship is available in so many places and that just because they don't have a significant other in their lives doesn't mean they are alone or even lonely.

Life is what you make of it and love is who you share it with.

I am so grateful you are here and love connecting with all of you in this way.


  • Think of all the different relationship "buckets" you would like in your life (fun friends, adventure friends, mentors, wine buddies etc) and then start placing the people you already know into those buckets. Which ones feel a bit empty? How can you meet someone to help make that part of your life bigger, and with more people and love in it?
  • Your romantic partner doesn't have to be everything in every way. You don't have to be one and only do things with each other. You can have a beautiful relationship and still maintain great friendships and feel comfortable with your partner having their own friendships outside of the couple.
  • Allowing yourself to be love by others allows you to share your love more abundantly. Only good comes from that.
  • Seek relationships of all kinds, not just one. It's not realistic and if you lose that person you end up feeling you have lost everything and everyone. 

I would love to hear from you and how you fill your friend buckets.

One place you can start doing that and getting coaching, mentorship, support and friendship is inside the Rising Free membership. Give it a test run for the next 6 weeks but don't delay because this offer expires on 7pm Feb. 16th. https://www.theseparationclub.com/offers/oe2UjKJn