15: The Holiday Season served with High Emotions, Unfair Expectations and a Sprinkle of Codependency paired with Divorce..a potent cocktail

Welcome to the holiday season fueled by high emotions and unreasonable expectations along with a sprinkle of Codependency - a powerful cocktail

Join me for this important conversation about dealing with the Holiday Season, high emotions, expectations, family and divorce - it’s potentially an explosive mix to say the least.

I will share important tips and strategies for staying “in your own lane” during the holidays and in general.

There is a way to make it through the holidays in a healthy way that honours your boundaries and feels as good as possible all things considered.



  1. Make a list of your wants and then your expectations. Also other’s expectations - It’s better to be prepared with what you are willing to do and not willing to do. 
  2. It’s Okay to Say “No” – Set boundaries for what you feel able to manage under the circumstances. Great practice for your new life as well. Use the list above to start having conversations with your family about what you can and can’t do.
  3. Remain in Control of You – Stay on your side of the fence and make any arrangements you need to make for a quick escape, to come and go as you need etc.
  4. Accept Others for Who They Are – Just as you need to remain in control of you, you need to let go of trying to control anyone else. You are not responsible for others’ happiness, fun or Christmas spirit. And you aren’t responsible for their bad behaviour.
  5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People – Make plans to ensure you aren’t alone on key days and surround yourself with and spend time with people you feel emotionally safe with and who you trust and love.

Also, at the end I share a bit about a coaching program I am running in January to help you release Codependency patterns.

This is an incredible opportunity to work with me in a way that allows you to understand the patterns and release them so you don’t take this with you into new relationships and your new life. Here’s the link to our Course Portal. https://www.theseparationclub.com/course-portal