27: Daring to dream and making it a reality is a true Blessing in Divorce. Let me tell you how

Having dreams is important and so is knowing that you can have them. But first comes finding your dream in your heart and soul. We do this by connecting with ourselves, our voice and listening and then, probably most importantly - BELIEVING IN IT.

I want you to know I believe in you. And as I share my dream with you in this episode I hope you hear and feel how available this is for you as well. I am no different than you. I'm a divorced mama with a dream that I never stopped wanting, I learned to believe in it and now I am living it.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to share this dream with you and with my beautiful soul sisters who are attending the Rising Moon Sisters retreat right now in Costa Rica. Next year you could be there with us creating and sharing your dream. Wouldn't that just be a dream come true in itself!

For more information and to get on the "first to know" waitlist, please send me an email:

[email protected]

The link to learn more about this and other retreats is below.